Welcome to Gales of Nayeli’s Casting Call page

To submit your auditions, please follow these steps :

  • Include both the Character’s Name and Your Name in the Subject
  • Record your audition in a single .wav file hosted online (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)
  • Name your .wav file CharacterName_YourName.wav
  • Include two takes at most per line
  • Send your audition to blindcoco.casting@gmail.com
  • Deadline for Casting Call Wave #3 is February 28th 2024

Anyone can audition on any roles, but priority will be given to VAs who match the criteria of characters with a specified casting priority.

We will listen to every audition, but will only contact you if you have been selected for the role.

Our rates are 4$ per line. Characters typically have between 20-30 voice lines.

We look forward to hearing your auditions.

Thank you for your time!

Sophie, the Trickster

Sophie is a gambling hall proprietor and quite the show-woman. She is energetic and playful. It is recommended that you stay on her good side as she holds on quite fiercely to grudges.

Tone: Medium-High

Lines :

  • “No tricks this time. I’m just that good.” – Level Up Quote (Good)
  • “Hmph! This game is clearly rigged!” – Level Up Quote (Bad)
  • “Your luck just ran out!” – Critical Quote

Miles, the Enchanter

Miles is an Enchanter Brighthold, an esteemed magic academy. Studious as ever, he travels the world, seeking knowledge and adventure.

Tone: Medium – Casting priority : Black TransMasculine/Non-Binary

Lines :

  • “I can help.” – Selection Quote
  • “So predictable!” – Critical Quote
  • “A potent increase in my abilities.” – Level Up Quote (Average)

Leila, the Princess

The eldest daughter of King Eder, Leila, has been responsible of protecting Fort Laramore ever since she was a child. She values honour and courage above all.

Tone: Medium-Low – Casting priority : Black

Lines :

  • “I am steadfast.” – Selection Quote
  • “Your life is forfeit!” – Critical Quote
  • “In the face of darkness… light.” – Selection Quote (Low HP)

Other Roles

Some characters will not be revealed before the release of the game and will be referred to by code names.

Bloodthirsty Woman

Tone: Medium-Low

Lines :

  • *Evil maniacal laugh* – Critical Quote
  • “Your existence is meaningless!” – Critical Quote
  • “All this bloodshed… Delicious!” – Level Up Quote (Good)

Ancient Monster (Male)

Tone: Low

Lines :

  • “A sea of blood…” – Selection Quote
  • “From dust to dust…” – Selection Quote (Low HP)
  • “And yet, a monster, I remain…” – Level Up Quote (Good)